Saturday, March 15, 2008
ARE YOU EXPERIENCED?, Electricladyland, Hendrix

Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido
A denial
Jimmy Hendrix Albums Electric Ladyland belongs to ones of his importance Albums in his carer, one of the song title allready sung by Lenny Kravitz "Are Go My Way" oops is that not Hendrix "ARE YOU EXPERIENCED"?
Kravitz is another kinds of jew mullato, Hendrix is real affro americans mullato, both doesnt care mosquito bites or enjoyed Alpacino Ferrero Cioccolato Cappucino mix offers on their tables.
Their music is real, their personallity is real, their creativity is real, their fame is real. People across the Globe respecting them while these guy is not like Milli Vanilly.
I don't take any attention for people like Oprah whose really care about Mullato, Albino, Cappucino, thought they life in harmony and respected eacothers, the trouble is in her sunglasses she see everithings to dark althought it's sunny days, nobody would treats her if she take Ponds whitenings cleanse and used her darks sunglasses, and thinks now everybody looks likes cappucino.
Sex & The City
NY is the place of temptation long before Alcapone born, Albino Cappucino Mullato knew it well, we are just human, so "don't take me down to the paradise city where the girls are so pretty" and callled NYPD to spy around, he was just human too there is many more people like him but they are more lucky not being spying.
Just think of that Dogs is the most Aestetics and sensible Animals in the Worlds, that is your faillure if you lets your Kitty near to them, Kitty made them agressive and that why they pursue them. And dogs knew in NY there are plentyfull race of cats persian, anggora or anythings else and it become their best habitat for playings cats dogs.
So why not you playing with your dogs and don't be jealous to your cats, all because yours have no time to play with them or your's not enviromentally acceptable anymore.(try The Energy Conservation tips => reduce reused recycle
reduce your weight.
reused your old personality. "just the way you are - Billy Joel"
recylce your uggly duckly fllaby fat.
Kurt Cobain.
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