Friday, December 28, 2007
Can't I keep it for myself? - Benazir Bhutto visited Megawati on Marz 1996

The Indonesian Democratic party (PDI) version of Indonesian President Candidate for 1998-2003 described the atmosphere of her meeting with Bhutto as a familiar one, since they have been acquainted for a long time.
She admitted receiving a message from Bhutto. However, Megawati refused to share it. "Can't I keep it for myself?" she asked smiling.
Telling about the result of the meeting, Megawati said that it was a coincidence the two of them have known each other for so long, since Soekarno, Mega's father, was President and Zulkifar Ali Bhutto was Pakistani Prime Minister.
"I called Bhutto's father, 'uncle'", said Soekarnoputi describing her intimacy with the Bhutto family. So, there is a familiarity and friendship among them since a long time ago. Mega admitted that the second meeting with Bhutto was very exciting, both emotionally and physically. They used to contact each other only by mail.
"Of course we asked about each other's family and activities," said Mega.
In the discussion that past the time scheduled, Bhutto asked about the activities of Indonesian women. "She was very surprised to know that many Indonesian women too are active in politics. The same as in Pakistan, many women participate in political activities," Mega explained.
About the democratic movement in Asia, according to Mega, it can only be discussed in general terms, including the environmental issues and others.
Asked whether in the discussion was also mentioned about Mega's leadership in PDI, Soekarnoputri smiled and countered that as the head of Pakistan administration, of course the issue is not of her concern.
When asked further that Bhutto must have support for the appearance of women leader, Mega stated firmly that the issue was not discussed exclusively. "We agreed to feel proud and happy now that there are so many women in the national leadership who appear in various fields. And of course this will be more prominent in the future, if the opportunity comes to women," she said.
Soekarnoputri admitted to be one of Bhutto's admirer. In her opinion, Bhutto was a female figure who has a character. "I think that it is important for the women leaders in the Eastern world," said Mega.
She perceives that it is not easy to be a woman leader in countries with eastern culture. "Because we are still very much bound to one tradition and custom," said Mega.
Asked whether she has any desire to be like Bhutto (national leader), still with her charming smile, Mega walked toward her car and laughed.
The reporters did not miss the opportunity to ask about the PDI Special Congress issue which will be held by several PDI cadres. But, Soekarnoputri got up from her chair and refused to give any comment.
Time line Musharaff - Bhutto relation or Mahatir Muhamad - Anwar Ibrahim are similar full of political trick and intrick, which drive by global power of Finance People whose likely love discrimination democracy for young, adult and mature. Western Think-Thank still have wrong perception about Stability And Democracy on developing country, The Western Think-Thank means Stability is more importance than Democracy so they prefer to support Military-Democracy in which democracy could only survive when it lead by military people instead of civilians, but in many text-book threes no addolences, adults or mature democracy, democracy is freedom which determinate under constitution rules and need bravely to respected others existence.
Democracy need time to learn not time to control it (mature is product of learnings not product of times), it's need openness not controlled openness /repressive system against information, The Pakistan democracy failed since they have beliefs the control of information could help them to controlled terrorism, but terrorist used advanced information technology than the government. Mouth-To-Mouth telling helps more powerfully terrorist propaganda than the open information, so far as I know Human Is The Intelligent Animals they have ratio and they used it wishfully than Animals. Animals have no ratio they know just Sit, Wake, Give Hand, Attack, so I have educate my dogs, but my dogs have basically Instinct so they knew better than me which person is dangerous and which is not, they could also read condition as dangerous or not.
Ciao Ciao C.I.A Chica
Sincerely Yours Snoopy
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